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the past week

October 25, 2008

So last Sunday Chase and I both woke up with a slight sore throat. Neither of us thought much of it since it’s kind of that time of year to feel a little sick…so we just went to Chase’s flag football game as usual. By the time it was over I was feeling really gross, and by the end of Sunday I had used a whole box of kleenex. (It was partially used, but I’d still say it was atleast 50-75) I have never used that many, in one day, in my entire life. So then Chase got it half a day later than I did. Every day my symptoms would change to a new one like a cough or a sore throat or stomach ache. I guess I’m just complaining, but I don’t feel like I’ve had a cold like this before, it’s been almost a week and I still have this silly cold just as strong as the first day. But atleast my faucet has finally turned off. :)

Tuesday we went to see a movie with Shawn at the new theaters in Chehalis. I guess everything there is all digital so the picture/sound quality was really good, we had a fun time!

Then last night we went to Olympia with Adam and Maureen. We enjoyed dinner at Arbie’s and then we just went shopping. We’ve (or I) have been wanting a new heater for our house. It’s been getting colder and our heater just doesn’t heat and it’s expensive to (not) do so. So we found one at Costco to get, so we went there and got a heater, a 10 lb bag of Chocolate Chips and a 12 lb bag of baking soda (my new best friend). All the essentials. :) Then we ended the night with some good Coldstone ice cream. :)

And today we ate lunch at Breakwater. We’ve had a gift certificate there for quite a few months now and decided to use it. I don’t usually like anything from the sea, but really enjoyed the fish and chips there! (Thanks Paige and Stephen!)

And now Chase is playing Call of Duty, I guess some guys are planning on doing an all nighter tonight. I don’t think Chase is planning on playing that long. :)

By the way, I found a useful article on many uses for baking soda… the comments have a lot of ideas, as well. Here are the 30+ Baking Soda Tips. No wonder it’s my new favorite thing. :)

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Maureen permalink
    October 25, 2008 10:43 pm

    well last night was fun. Like I said last night I really enjoy just getting out of town. maybe adam and i will take up the same habit as you and just make up “valid” reasons to go to oly. anyways. movie night would be good…and then we can watch something girly and they will enjoy it with us. i’m glad that the four of us have started to hang out. it’s been fun.

  2. October 26, 2008 12:52 am

    I’m glad you blog so I know what’s going on in your life. lol
    I do hope you start feeling better soon. I also am praying that I am not getting it even though I have woken up with a mildly sore throat 2 mornings in a row.

  3. October 28, 2008 11:14 am

    How many things can you do with Baking Soda? Pretty amazing!

    I’m going to go have a fresh glass of baking soda water and wash my car with baking soda soap.

    And then I’m going to have hot baking soda sundae.

    Ok, I’m being goofy now. :)

    Seriously though, how cool is that?

  4. Bekah Simon =) permalink
    October 29, 2008 5:10 pm

    I’ve been reading your posts about baking soda and vinegar! Amazing all the things you can do with them! When I run out of cleaner (which may not be for a while) I’m going to have to try it! =)

    Oh and P.S…. I’m excited we have different last initials now. =) We may both be Rebekah/Rebecca Jayne/Jane’s… but now we have last names that don’t start with the same letter! lol.

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