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I’ve moved.

March 19, 2010

Okay so I started a new blog a few months ago. I thought I should probably post a link to it and maybe tell people about it by now. I was going to wait until I was really good and "blogged often" and made it look all nice and pretty. But I pretty much don’t have the time for that so here you go! I just felt like having a fresh start. It might be the same, it might be different, I don’t know.

So it’s a work in progress… but that’s just pretty much me! : ) Maybe if I know people are reading it I’ll try to post more than once a month.

Okay… so presenting… my new blog! just call me Jane : )

just call me Jane


December 16, 2009

chiffon cake

I’ve been in the mood to do some baking. So I went to Cook’s Illustrated and flipped through the baking guide and decided to make a Chocolate Marble Chiffon Cake. Now, to be completely honest with you, I don’t know if I have ever seen, tasted, or even heard of a chiffon cake before. But it appeared to need a round bundt type pan, and I had just bought one of those a few months ago. Works for me!

So I started making this cake at like 9:00 o’clock this morning. I put it in the oven at like 10:05am. Don’t ask me why it would ever take me over an hour to make a silly cake. (It actually had something to do with my egg whites not thickening right… this has been a recurring problem of mine lately) I noticed that if I wanted to get to work on time then I would have to leave my house at 10:42. This cake needed to bake for about 55-65 minutes. I actually did want to get to work on time. So really. What was I thinking? I have no idea.

Well 10:50 rolled around and I decided to check the cake. It was about as done as overcooked brownies… which wasn’t quite done enough for me (or for the recipe that I was following. I think). I made the decision to leave the cake in the oven, turn it (the oven) off, and leave it (the oven) cracked open, and leave for work.

I came home to find my cake perfectly done. This is a huge shock to me since usually I burn everything. (Really, I don’t know if I’ve ever not burnt anything.)

Do chiffon cakes usually have a glaze? becuase there was a link to one on the sidebar of my recipe. So I decided to make a glaze. Except it called for 2 cups of powdered sugar. And I only have 2/3 cups of that. So I added 1/3 of cocoa powder and cut the batch in half. It made a yummy frosting like substance, so I decided that it would work for my cake.

I have no idea if this is a normal chiffon cake or not, but I’m excited to try it. (Actually I know that it’s for sure not a normal chiffon cake, because it’s a chocolate marble chiffon cake.) I took a picture of it to show you (whoever you are), but I pretty much did the worst job of glazing (or icing?) this cake possible. So I had to take a creative angle.

Also the lighting in my kitchen isn’t that great, so my picture is grainy (which is also caused by my not-very-expensive camera). Also, I only have one outlet in my kitchen. One outlet. “How do you live?” You ask? I really don’t know. Sometimes it’s stressful. Sometimes it’s funny. Sometime it’s just plain annoying. But this time it’s just irrelevant. I just had to fit that in.

Okay, I guess this is a pointless post. Sometimes I just feel like I have to talk a certain amount each day. Chase has said that I “just sounded like Kelly Kapoor” on more than one occassion. He means it in a negative way, but I secretly am proud of myself for it.

Okay, I think I’m done now.

That’s all.

finally here

December 2, 2009


So we have all of our stuff moved to our house now. It’s a total mess, but it’s still really exciting! We kind of moved earlier than we were planning, so it’s been a little crazier than I expected. It’s also a lot dirtier here than I realized… it’s made unpacking a take a little longer, but the kitchen is finally unpacked and put away. : ) One room down… and lots more to go!

I feel like we’ve been in a waiting season for a long time. I never realized how long things take. Who knew that it would take 3 months to buy a house. (Note to self: Next time make the offer in the spring so it’s not freezing cold and raining when it comes time to move.)

Anyway, I’m so thankful that we are on to this next season of life. : )

Here are better pictures of the outside of the house… I’ll post more pictures of the inside as we change things.



We bought a house!

November 17, 2009

Yahoo! Chase and I finally closed on our house last week. We made the offer in July and we’ve been jumping through bank hoops since then, but we got the keys on Friday and it’s finally ours!!

Here is a mini tour of our soon to be home. Most of these were taken while we were looking at it with our Buyer’s Agent.. He kindly requested to not be in any of them, so I had to snap them quickly while he wasn’t in the way. : )


If you can believe it.. this is the best picture I have of the outside of the house. I know, it stresses me out too… I keep moving my head to the left to see what else there is. Sorry, I’ll take more soon!


Kitchen/dining room.


Here is the view of the dining room from the kitchen. I’m excited to try out the gas stove!


This is the best picture that I have of this room. (Hi, Tyler!) Right now it’s a bedroom and it’s off of the dining room area. (The top corner in the picture above) We’re hoping to knock out the wall between these two rooms and create a living room/dining room. But it appears that that wall is load bearing, so we’re still thinking about how to achieve that. For now it’s called the French Doors Room. : )


Here is the colorful closet that belongs to the french door room. I only took a picture of it because it’s a really big closet. It’s also very colorful. : )


Here is the bathroom. I’m pretty happy with how it looks, and I really like the white tiling on the counter and around the shower.


This is, what we call, the red room… it’s a small bedroom off of the bathroom. Don’t worry.. I’ve already primed it. Now I just need to decide what color to paint it…


Here is the back room. I think this was meant to be a rec room/living room.. but we’re thinking about turning it into the master bedroom since it’s kind of out of the way from the rest of the living spaces in the house. But we’ll see!

So that’s our house! Pretty much all of the work we have to do is cosmetic, so we’ll probably be spending most of our weekends painting and replacing flooring and all of that fun stuff. : )  I was hoping that we could move in by Thanksgiving, but we’ll probably won’t end up moving until that Friday or Saturday.

But yeah… it feels pretty good to be a homeowner. : )


November 12, 2009
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Coffee Beans

…I have realized how many times a day I say “I.” I’m okay with saying it here because this is my tiny corner of the world. (It’s all mine, ya know.) But everywhere else? I need to get over myself.

…I’ve enjoyed using this mascara. You should too because it’s that amazing.

…I have been in love with coffee. Before I just enjoyed coffee because I liked going to get a Starbucks. Now I’m a snobby coffee addict. A latte a day for me please. Thank you.

…I’ve decided that I just don’t know what I’m talking about. Ever. I can’t even say that I don’t know what I’m talking about most of the time because that would be an understatement. Oh well.

…my favorite color has been yellow. And grey. And the combination of the two.

…I’ve really enjoyed school. I’m not one of those people who is sick of school and can’t wait to be done. This could, and probably will, change. But not yet.

…I’ve discovered how to use wikipedia and Well I guess I already knew how to use them, but now I know how to use them to make myself look smart. I love looking smart.

…I have listened to this song too many times.

…I’ve realized how blessed I am to have such a great husband. He’s sweet. He’s selfless. He’s really handsome. He’s funy. And I’m just an oddball.

That’s all.